24/7 Service

    Round icon showing a hand holding a heart

    Values & Giving

      Round icon showing a hand holding a heart

      & Giving

      Metal Masters values guide everything we do—from the attention given to the details in our work, to how we operate for the benefit of our whole community


      We are honest in all dealings with customers, vendors and work colleagues. Even when no one is watching, we stand behind our work and do the right thing—keeping our promises to the customer and each other, no matter the cost.


      We treat all customers, vendors, employees and supervisors with the same polite and caring consideration. We also take the necessary precautions to protect the personal and business properties we work at, as if they were our own.


      We sell high-quality products that we are confident in, and make sure our customers get the best options for their budget. We also take pride in every detail of our craftsmanship—continually raising the bar for service and installation standards.


      From dressing in uniform, keeping a good-looking fleet and obeying traffic laws to removing our shoes at a customer’s house and using drop cloths, we model kindness to our community, while demonstrating expert knowledge of our industry.


      The fruit of our labor contributes, in part, to helping build up and strengthen our community through the giving of time, services or financial resources to individuals or organizations that are working to improve the region we serve.

      We partner with, and give to, many organizations that support our community, and work to improve the lives of our neighbors

      Grace Cascade Christian Schools

      Youth 71 Five Logo

      New Life Logo

      New Song Church Logo

      Pacific Retirement Services Logo

      Southern Oregon Friends of Hospice Logo

      World Venture Logo

      Prison Fellowship Logo

      theDove Logo

      Pacific Bible College Logo

      Asante Foundation Logo

      Food & Friends Logo

      Cru Logo

      Wilderness Trails Logo

      K Love Logo

      Biola University Logo

      Samaritan's Purse Logo

      Wycliffe Bible Translators Logo

      Klamath & Lake Counties Logo

      Mt Ashland Logo

      Feel the Love logo

      Every year we partner with Lennox—in their Feel the Love program—to give three new HVAC systems to deserving households who are without adequate heating and cooling. Lennox provides the equipment and Metal Masters donates the installation time and labor. The community is also invited to participate by nominating individuals or families who are in need of heating and cooling for their home.