24/7 Service

Recently, we’ve had a number of customers coming to us, who are in their mid-60s, wanting to get some things in order for their retirement. They call us, specifically, with concerns regarding the mechanical equipment of their home. If this is not tended to, it can have an adverse effect on the comfort, safety and convenience of the home—not to mention the pocket book of the homeowners.

We will have the privilege of installing a new high-efficiency heating and cooling system for just such a couple as this. With an aged furnace that is about 30 years old, they want to take care of this new investment before they retire, and are on a fixed income. We will also be replacing their existing—and out-of-date—fiberglass ductwork, which is leaking quite a bit.

During the course of assessing our customer’s current equipment and needs, it has been determined that their 30-year old furnace is not only inefficient, but has also become a hazard to their very safety. While this might be alarming information to some, it does confirm that this is—no doubt—a very good time to be installing the new equipment.

We are pleased to be helping this couple prepare for their retirement by providing a safe, and highly efficient, system that should serve them well for many years to come. As for the hazardous 30-year old furnace, we have a different kind of retirement plan in mind for this—which we will be very happy to carry out on behalf of our customers.